In the future world, a new regime has been established on an alien planet. However, a rebel force composed of robots suddenly emerged and occupied an important mining town ruled by humans. In order to eliminate the enemy leader, the intelligence center commander Gaifeng sent his younger brother Xinghuo to the mining town to perform a task. Unexpectedly, the mission failed. Since then, the two brothers found that things began to envelop them in an unimaginable direction. A huge conspiracy surfaced, subverting their understanding of the world, enemies and comrades-in-arms. When they came back to their senses, The former brothers are now standing on opposite sides of each otherā¦
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War of Wind and Fire
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é£ē«ęēŗŖ, Wind and fire, war of wind and fire, Feng Huo Zhan Ji
Status: Ongoing Network: iQIYI Studio: Mandrill Picture Corp Released: Jul 16, 2023 Duration: 18 min. Country: China Type: ONA
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