Status: Ongoing Released: Aug 15, 2024 Country: China Type: Comic
This story revolves around the gradual disappearance of various races due to the greed of humans during repeated wars. In the chaos, the underwater world was annexed by the land world. While the elves remained active in hiding their true identities, other races became mere legends and church propaganda among humans. The work depicts a complex and ever-changing worldview, highlighting intricate character development through the interactions and conflicts between different races. The plot follows a human girl named Elin, who accidentally frees an elf named Raphael trapped in a meteorite. She then helps him search for the elven "traitor" Silf. Along their journey, they meet companions like Gale and Nana, and experience thrilling adventures while battling various forces. However, upon encountering Silf, Raphael begins to perceive an unusual truth, leading to the unveiling of a conspiracy that has been hidden for centuries...