Qinglu Academy, once the most prestigious magical academy in the Magic Soldier Continent, suffered a catastrophe after the old headmaster of the academy embarked on a journey. It was attacked by a group of powerful individuals led by the former traitor, Mo Tianxiong. The academy lost its heritage of the seventh and eighth generations, and also lost the “Qinglu Magic Attire” that protected the academy. Since then, Qinglu Academy has been oppressed by other academies, gradually declining. As the academy faces a crisis, Li Qinglu, a disciple with a strong connection to Qinglu Academy, joins and vows to lead the academy back to the ranks of the top magic institutions, restoring its former glory. The outstanding individuals from various academies naturally won’t give Li Qinglu such an opportunity. They try to bully the weak, attempting to bring down Li Qinglu, but in the end, Li Qinglu turns the tables and reclaims the “Qinglu Magic Attire” that was divided among the different academies.