Song An is a down-and-out programmer at the bottom of the social chain. His daily work consists of fixing bugs for a game called [New World]. However, he secretly adds his own little Easter eggs in the game. Suddenly, the game somehow became reality. He has to rely on his understanding of the bugs in the game and the Easter eggs he had set up. Can Song An successfully counterattack?

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The King Of Bugs
Watch full episodes The King Of Bugs, download The King Of Bugs english subbed, The King Of Bugs eng sub, download The King Of Bugs eng sub, stream The King Of Bugs at AnimeKhor.
The King Of Bugs, The King Of Bug, 我靠bug上王者
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When will you upload rest of the episodes
No more episodes released yet. If any episode gets released, I will upload them.😊
Please Upload rest of episodes
Yes, I will upload rest episodes upto latest by tomorrow 😊